Seven Surahs for the classroom
junior level, General
Arabic Text , Translations,Explanations and Vocabulary.
Compilation: Abidullah Ghazi
A textbook of Qur’anic reading, understanding and knowledge for Junior High students. The selected seven Suwar have their own special importance and cover almost all the important themes of the Qur’an: the Tawhid, Risalah, Al-Akhirah, the Qiyamah, and the pleasures of Jannah and the ordeals of Jahannam. The book is designed especially for a classroom where each Surah starts with an introduction and is divided into several Ruku’. Each Ruku contains Arabic text, two simplified translations (Yusuf Ali & M. Pickthall), explanations, important points to learn and reflect upon, a glossary, and a complete vocabulary of the Arabic text