In The Name Of The Lord By M. Jamal Haider
This book, written for every one, traces the history of knowledge and civilisation from the beggining of the cosmos to the present. The book narrates, laced with beautiful poems and anecdotes, the story of the ancient empires- including the ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Indian, Chineese and Roman. It then narrates the rise of Islam portraying the biography of the Prophet Mohammed and the four Caliphs - Abu Bakr, Umar, Osman and Ali. It deliberates on the Qur'an and its scientific aspects. Hadith and the legal Jurisprudence of the four Great Imams- Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shaffi, and Hanbal and the social emancipation consequent to Islam. It examines the recent fall of the Muslims and the reason behind it and finally, the drawing of realisation and an awakening of the contemporary Muslims. Thsi book challenges and dispels many old and corrupted nations and travesty of history. It will make the reader see the world in its true light.