Aisha English/Arabic Speaking Doll - Desi Doll
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Aisha features a removeable hijab and two levels of talking & singing content!
Level 1:
- Surah Al Fatiha (in Arabic with English translation)
- Surah Al Ikhlas (in Arabic with English translation)
- As-Salamu ‘Alaykum
- Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
- Lailaha illallah Muhammadur-Rasulullah
- Fi Amanillah
- A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir-rajeem
- Insha’Allah and Masha’Allah
- Al-Hamduillah
- Subhanallah
- Jazakallahu Khayrun
- 5 fun songs about Islam
Level 2:
- Surah Al Kawthar (in Arabic with English translation)
- Surah Al Kafiroon (in Arabic with English translation)
- Surah An Naas (in Arabic with English translation)
- Surah Al Asr (in Arabic with English translation)
- Surah Al Falaq
Slide the switch to hear two levels of content!
- 16” soft plush doll that speaks and sings when you press hands, feet and nose.
- Muslim baby doll recites Surahs, says Islamic phrases, and sings Fun songs
- Aisha speaks with interactive hands, feet, and nose
- Over four minutes of sound: our beautiful voiceovers: Sara Tamim, age 9 (Level 1) and Hanan Muhammad (Level 2)
- Fun way for young children to learn about Islam
- Ages 3+
Aisha English/Arabic Speaking Doll - Desi Doll
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